Updated: 10/25/15(†)
Point Challenges:
Bronze: 40,000, Silver: 60,000, Gold: 100,000 (Unlocks: Sekhmet's Blessing)
Rings: Sekhmet's Blessing, Sekhmet's Retribution
Amulets: Sekhmet's Wrath, Osiris's Silver Fire Flail
Weapons: Cluster Bomb Launcher
Other: 2 Max Health Upgrades, 2 Max Ammo Upgrades, The Original (TR2 Lara) Outfit
Follow this link for a complete list of collectibles and their powers/effects. See here for PlayStation Trophies and Steam/Xbox One Achievements.
NOTES: In the walkthrough for the first level I attempted to note the location of every gem, breakable urn, etc. In later levels, I don't bother to mention them all. So unless you're attempting a time challenge, stay alert. Try to kill every enemy, light every brazier, and break or blow up every destructible object, including vases, cracked floor tiles, etc., for maximum points. In order to beat the Gold score challenge for this level, it also helps to maintain the 4x score multiplier as much as possible. Take your time and try not to take damage or die. Without multipliers active most of the time, it's basically impossible to get the 100,000 points.
BONUS TOMBS: This tomb is not included in the main game but can be purchased as part of the Twisted Gears pack. See the DLC page for details.
TOMB ENTRANCE: The entrance to this tomb is located on the north side of the Sunken Chapel of Sobek area of the Overworld. (screenshot) It's also marked on the in-game map. (screenshot) Activate the carved obelisk to open the door and enter the tomb.
In order to equip the "The Original," the classic TR outfit that comes with this DLC, you'll first need to unlock it by opening the Community Chest in the Shrine of Osiris area of the Overworld. (screenshot) You'll then find the outfit in your inventory.
ENTRANCE WITH PRESSURE PADS AND TIME BOMB: Smash various urns and light the braziers for gems. The way forward is blocked by flame vents. In order to shut them off, you'll need to use the time bomb to depress the pressure pad on the right, but do not grab the bomb yet. As in the Tomb of the Timekeeper, you'll get a reward for beating the Challenge: Complete the Tomb without Grabbing any Time Bombs.
If you don't care about completing this challenge, just raise the Staff, grab the bomb, and roll it around to the right. Position it on the pressure pad to temporarily shut off the flames and continue downstairs. (screenshots)
If you are attempting the challenge, drop a remote bomb on the upper right side of the time bomb. Move out of the way and then detonate your bomb to hurl the time bomb out into the open area to the lower left. Use more remote bombs to blast the time bomb over to the right, then toward the pressure pad to the right of the flame vents. You'll probably need to use another remote bomb or two to finesse the time bomb onto the pad. Just try not to blast the bomb off the edge. If you do, you'll need to go back and try again. The flames stay off as long as the time bomb remains on the pressure pad, so you can proceed. Once you step on the second pad, at the top of the stairs, the flames shut off permanently, so you can let the time bomb explode. (screenshots)
NOTE: You can also use remote bombs to move the time bomb onto the second pressure pad, beyond the flames, in order to shut them off. This is tricky though, since the bomb tends to roll on down the stairs.
In the 2-player co-op game, there are 3 pressure pads: one on the right and one on the left, in addition to the one beyond the flame vents. Both the left and right pads must be depressed in order to shut off the flames. If you're not doing the time-bomb challenge, one character can stand on the left pad, while the other rolls the time bomb around to the pad on the right. This temporarily turns off the flames so you can exit. If you are attempting the challenge, instead use remote bombs to blast the time bomb off its pedestal, as in the single-player version, then onto either the left or right pad. Getting the bomb onto the right pad is the same as in single-player. For the left pad, position the bombs as shown in these screenshots. Then have one player stand on the right pad while the other moves onto the middle pad to deactivate the flames permanently.
I have not done 3-player co-op yet, but I suspect it is similar, with 4 pressure pads in all, 3 of which are required to turn off the flames. Place the time bomb on one pad. Then use 2 characters depress the others, while the third character goes through and deactivates the trap.
In 4-player co-op there are 5 pressure pads in all: 4 control the flame vents, the 5th is set beyond them at the top of the stairs. The basic strategy is the same, though. Have one of the Egyptians keep his or her staff raised. Then use remote bombs to position the time bomb on the leftmost pad (or use your hands if you're not attempting the time-bomb challenge). Then have three characters stand on the remaining pads to shut off the flames. As in the other versions, when the remaining character steps on the center pad, the trap is deactivated permanently. (screenshots)
MARK OF SET AND SIDE AREA WITH MAX AMMO UPGRADE: When you reach the bottom of the stairs, a Mark of Set appears and several minions of Sobek emerge. This is the first opportunity to work on the Challenge: Bomb 5 Crocodiles off Ledges to their Death.
NOTE: Before attempting this challenge, you may want to avoid equipping items that increase bomb damage, since this makes it easier to destroy enemies with bombs rather than launching them into the air.
Run down the stairs on the left, letting one of the enemies follow. Stand near the left edge of the floor, where there's a drop-off with no railing, and turn around to face the approaching enemy. When he gets close, run/roll past him and plant a remote bomb so the edge of the blast radius just touches him. Detonate the bomb to (hopefully) blast him off the edge. A message pops up on screen if you succeed. If it doesn't work the first time, just plant another bomb and try again. You can then use the same tactic with the remaining enemy (or enemies), but there will also be other opportunities later in the level. (screenshots)
If you don't care about the crocodile challenge, instead just let the enemies appear and destroy them for points. The Mark will close on its own once all the enemies have emerged. Be sure to bomb the crocodiles' prone bodies so they don't reanimate. (screenshots)
To get the MAX AMMO UPGRADE in the area to the right, first jump across the gap onto the ledge with the flame vents. In the single-player game, grapple the golden ring and move around the left side of the taller of the two squat columns, then between the two columns, and around the right side of the shorter column. The idea is to twine the cable around the columns so Lara can rappel down the wall to the pressure pad, which shuts off the flame vents on the ledge above. (screenshots)
In 2-player co-op there are 2 pressure pads but only one column. Have one character grapple the other. Once the connection is made, one should stand on the pressure pad on the right, while the other moves around the left side of the column and rappels down to the pad mounted on the wall. Depressing both pads at the same time deactivates the flames. (screenshot)
In 4-player co-op, there are 2 pressure pads on the wall and no columns. Have each archaeologist grapple an Egyptian and lower them onto the pressure pads. When both pad are pressed, the flames go out. (screenshot)
NOTE: I haven't done the 3-player co-op yet, but I assume it's a hybrid of the 2- and 4-player puzzles. If you'd like to send info and/or screenshots, I'd be grateful.
Once you've deactivated the flames, jump across the gap on the left to retrieve the upgrade. Then return to the previous area, where the Mark of Set appeared earlier, and proceed downstairs to the left.
WALKWAY WITH NARROW GAP AND FLAME VENTS: The next puzzle is also configured differently depending on how many players there are. In the single-player game, the pressure pad in the far corner, to the right of the flame vents, extinguishes some of the flames and raises a set of wooden ledges so you can climb onto the ledge above. However, this only works as long as the pad stays pressed. So you must use a time bomb to hold down the pad. Start by hopping onto the pedestal with the time bomb. Place a remote bomb in the corner to the left of the time bomb. Jump back down to the walkway, raise the Staff, and detonate the remote bomb to fling the time bomb toward you. (screenshots)
Now, if you're attempting the Challenge: Complete the Tomb without Grabbing any Time Bombs, use more remote bombs to maneuver the time bomb onto the pressure pad. (Check the screenshots for details.) Otherwise, just grab the bomb and roll it onto the pad. Continue holding the Staff aloft as you hop across the wooden ledges and climb onto the ledge above.
A Mark of Set appears ahead and crocodile men begin to emerge. You can lure them down to the ledge below and try to bomb them off the edge for the crocodile challenge, but first you must step on the pressure pad behind the low wall to permanently deactivate the flame vents. There are a few tips on bombing crocs into the pits on the page with screenshots.
In the 2-player game, there is no time bomb. Instead there's a golden ring on the left side of the gap and a pressure pad on the right. Have Lara grapple the ring and move around to the narrow end of the gap. Now Isis or Horus can jump onto the cable. As Lara walks around to the right, keeping the grapple extended, the Egyptian should carefully move along the cable to maintain a position between the 2 rows of flame vents. When Lara moves onto the pressure pad, some of the flames on the ledge above go out, so the Egyptian can jump up there and step on the second pressure pad to permanently deactivate the flame vents. (screenshots)
NOTE: Again, I apologize for not having details about the 3-player version, but I assume it's similar to the 4-player. I encourage you to contact me with details if you've played it.
In 4-player co-op, there are no wooden ledges, no golden ring, and no time bomb. Start by having one archaeologist grapple another character across the pit. As the two holding the cable move carefully toward the upper left, the one standing on the tightrope should try to maintain a position between the 2 rows of flame vents. Once the character at the right end of the cable steps on the pressure pad, some of the flames on the ledge above go out, so the one standing on the cable can jump up there. Repeat the process to get the fourth character onto the upper ledge. Then step on the 2 pressure pads there to permanently deactivate the flame vents. (screenshots)
NOTE: In our 4-player game, no enemies spawned here. I suspect that was a glitch, but I'm not sure.
Continue to the northeast, up one flight of stairs and down two more, lighting braziers and smashing vases for gems and supplies, until you reach a new area.
FIRST SECTION WITH ROUND PLATFORMS AND BONE SAWS: Yay! Bone saws! I'm sure you were just dying to know what these looked like. Well, "dying" is definitely the operative word. ;)
The Challenge: Avoid taking damage from the bone saws is pretty straightforward. If you touch any of the saws as you make your way across the round platforms, you fail, but there are a few tricks that can help. Here's the sequence: Hop onto the nearest platform as the bone saw moves away from you. Follow it around the platform clockwise and shoot the archer that appears on the square platform to the right. Continue moving clockwise around the platform to keep ahead of the saw and jump onto the next round platform to the upper left. The saw here moves counterclockwise, so follow it around to the right as you shoot another archer on the platform ahead. (screenshots)
Continue following the saw around the platform until you are able to jump onto the platform to the right with the 2 bone saws moving counterclockwise. Here you'll need to be especially careful to land between the two saws and keep moving so they don't touch you. Circle around to the upper right side of the platform and then jump onto the next one, which has a single saw moving clockwise. Keep moving to avoid the saw as you shoot another archer that materializes on the platform to the upper right. Once you've taken care of him, you can jump across to the final platform, again avoiding the 2 counterclockwise-moving bone saws. (screenshots)
Before jumping over to the broad ledge ahead, you may want to pause and check the Challenges screen to make sure that you haven't taken damage. If you see a red 'X' under this challenge, meaning you took a hit, you can reload the previous checkpoint and try again. When you jump onto the broad ledge, a new checkpoint registers. So if you failed the challenge you'll have to try again in a different playthrough. Now continue northeast to the next area. (screenshots)
NOTE: This is not the only area with bone saws, so you won't receive any reward yet.
SECOND AREA WITH GAPS IN FLOOR AND FLAME VENTS: This is similar to the room with flame vents near the start of the level. In the single-player game, you'll need to move the time bomb onto the pressure pad in order to temporarily shut off some of the fire so you can reach the upper ledge.
Start by making your way around to the left corner of the room. Several priests of Sobek appear on the upper ledge. As in previous levels, when you see a white circle on the floor, move out of the way to avoid being struck by lightning. (screenshots)
If you want to work on the crocodile-bombing challenge, you may need to run up and down the stairs a few times to draw the crocs closer. Once they've jumped down onto the walkway with the pressure pad, use the same strategy you did earlier: Plant a remote bomb so the edge of the blast radius overlaps where one of the crocodiles is standing and then detonate to blast the croc off the edge. Again, the exact positioning varies with your bomb damage and radius, so you may need to experiment a little. Fortunately these guys are fairly tough and can withstand a few attempts before exploding into crocodile nuggets. (screenshots)
Once the coast is clear, run around to the left and jump across the gap in the walkway to reach the time bomb. If you're attempting the time-bomb challenge, remember not to touch the bomb. Drop a remote bomb on the upper left side of the time bomb and move out of the way. Raise the Staff and detonate your bomb to fling the time bomb across the gap toward the pressure pad. Run/jump back around the walkway. Then use one or more remote bombs to maneuver the time bomb onto the pressure pad. (Of course, if you don't care about the time-bomb challenge, you can just grab the bomb and roll it onto the pad.) (screenshots)
When the time bomb is positioned squarely on the pad, a series of wooden ledges rises up in the gap in the middle of the walkway, and several of the flame vents go out. Continue holding the Staff aloft to keep the time bomb from exploding as you return to the upper left corner of the walkway. Then jump across the wooden ledges and climb onto the upper ledge. At this point, you can lower the Staff and let the time bomb explode. Move around behind the low wall to claim the CLUSTER BOMB LAUNCHER and step on the second pressure pad to permanently deactivate the flame vents. (screenshots)
Drop back down onto the ledge where a new time bomb has appeared. Place a remote bomb on the lower left side of the time bomb. Raise the Staff and detonate your bomb to blast the time bomb onto the upper ledge. Use more remote bombs to maneuver the time bomb beneath the ledge on the upper left. Then you can climb onto the time bomb in order to reach the ledge with the red skull (1/5) and other goodies. (screenshots)
In the 2-player co-op game, this section is similar except there is no time bomb. Instead, a golden ring is mounted on the wall near where the bomb would be. Deal with the enemies as in the single-player version. (If you like you can work on the crocodile-bombing challenge.) Then have Lara stand on the left side of the gap in the walkway and grapple the ring. Isis or Horus can then jump onto the cable, starting from the gap in the walkway. As Lara walks carefully around the walkway toward the pressure pad, the Egyptian needs to step back and forth along the cable in order to avoid the flame vents and the round chimneys in order to make it to the left end of the space in the middle of the walkway. When Lara steps on the pressure pad, some of the flames on the ledge above go out, so Isis/Horus can jump onto the ledge with the CLUSTER BOMB LAUNCHER and step on the second pressure pad to permanently deactivate the traps. (Sorry, but I only have one screenshot for this section so far.)
Once you've extinguished the flames, Lara can climb up and use the Egyptian's shield to climb onto the ledge on the upper left, where you'll find a red skull (1/5) and other goodies (as in this screenshot from the 4-player version).
In 4-player co-op, there is no time bomb and 3 pressure pads, one on the lower level where the time bomb would be in the single-player game, plus two more on the upper level. Fight the priests of Sobek (and/or work on the croc-bombing challenge) just as in the other versions. Then, when the coast is clear, have one character grapple another across the gap in the walkway. Then another character can jump onto the cable. (You can also do this sequence with two characters riding the cable at once, but it's a bit more difficult.) As the characters holding the grapple move carefully along the walkways to the right, the one riding the cable needs to maneuver in order to avoid the flame vents and the round chimneys. (screenshots)
One of the characters holding the grapple then needs to step on the pressure pad to extinguish the flame vents on the upper ledge, while the other moves to the right end of the outer walkway. Then the character riding the cable can jump up onto the ledge with the CLUSTER BOMB LAUNCHER. Repeat this if necessary to get the fourth character up on the ledge. Then two can step on the pressure pads there to permanently extinguish the flame vents. (screenshot)
Finally, use the Egyptians' bubble shields to climb onto the ledge on the left to get a red skull (1/5) and other goodies. (screenshot)
AMBUSH ROOM WITH MULTIPLE ENEMIES: Continue downstairs and jump across a gap in the floor into a large, multi-level room with gaps in the floor between the different sections. As you enter, the gate closes behind you and various enemies begin to materialize. Among them are a number of crocodiles, giving you more opportunities for the bomb-a-croc challenge. As in the previous encounters, lure a croc near the edge of one of the ledges, plant a remote bomb on the other side of the enemy, move out of the way, and then detonate the bomb to blast the croc into the gap. When you've killed a total of 5 crocodiles this way, you'll be rewarded with an amulet called SEKHMET'S WRATH (Regenerating Ammo, Bomb Reload+, Bomb Damage+, Fire Bomb, Explosive Projectiles). (screenshots)
Meanwhile, things get more hectic, with several Marks of Set appearing and spawning swarms of scarabs. Keep moving as you shoot/bomb the bugs, and try to stay out of their fire and poison trails. Even if you have resistance items equipped, you'll still take some damage. (screenshots)
After a bit of this, more Marks appear, and a giant crocodile joins the fight. (In the 3- and 4-player games there are twin giants.) You can lead it around the room dropping remote bombs in its path and detonating them to damage it. You could also use rockets, bullets, etc., and finish it off with explosives if necessary. (screenshots)
Unless you're in a hurry, before you go, be sure to retrieve the red skull (2/5) hovering in the gap on the upper right ledge. Just hang off the edge to grab it. Also, replenish your health and ammo, smash all the urns and light all the braziers. Then exit at the upper left corner and proceed to the next area. (screenshots)
SECOND BONE SAW AREA: In order to complete the Challenge: Avoid taking damage from the bone saws, you must navigate the circular platforms ahead without touching any of the spinning saws. Note that it is possible to get the 2 major pickups in this area—a red skull and a MAX HEALTH UPGRADE—and simultaneously beat this challenge, but you may find it easier to do them in separate run-throughs.
If you want to reach the exit quickly without taking damage and are not concerned with the pickups, start by jumping onto the first platform as the bone saw moves away from you. Then carefully follow the saw around to the other side of the platform. Jump onto the next platform on the left and follow the saw there until it's safe to jump over to the next platform on the upper right. Follow this saw around to the upper left. Now, if you have not taken any damage from the saws up to this point, you can jump over to the next platform on the upper left. Otherwise, reload the last checkpoint, which will put you back on the starting ledge so you can try again. Once you jump onto the platform with no saw, a checkpoint registers. You'll also have to fight a skeleton or two. You won't fail the challenge if you take damage from enemies, so don't worry about moving in close. (screenshots)
After this, continue to avoid the saws as you've been doing, while you jump onto the next platform to the upper left (which has 2 bone saws), then the next four platforms to the upper right. From the fourth and final platform, jump onto the wide ledge on the left but do not run forward yet. First, check the Challenges screen to make sure you haven't taken any damage from the saws before moving forward to the next checkpoint. If you did take a hit, there will be a red 'X' under that challenge. Reload the last checkpoint and try again. If all is well, move toward the stairs to trigger the next checkpoint. (screenshots)
You won't receive the reward for beating this challenge until the end of the level, but if you've made it this far without being wounded by a saw and don't backtrack, you're good.
If you want the red skull and health upgrade, the basic strategy is the same but there are many more platforms with bone saws to cross. Unless you're very coordinated, I'd recommend completing the bone saw challenge, as described above, in one playthrough. Then go after the side pickups in a different playthrough so you don't have to worry about taking a little damage. I have not included screenshots for all of these since one platform basically looks like another, but the directions should help.
The MAX HEALTH UPGRADE is located on a platform near the upper right corner of the cavern. Here's the sequence, starting from the entrance:
1st platform - just ahead of the starting ledge.
2nd platform - to the upper right (has 2 saws).
3rd platform - upper right (has a stone column with carved hieroglyphs beyond).
4th platform - upper left.
5th platform - upper right (has 2 saws and a health pack)
If you need a break, hop over to the safe platform on the left, where there's a checkpoint, before continuing. If this is your first time through this area, there will also be a skeleton on this platform. Take care of them, take a breath, and then hop back to the 5th platform, to the lower right.
6th platform - upper right.
7th platform - upper right (has 2 saws).
8th platform - lower right (also 2 saws).
9th platform - lower right has gems and the UPGRADE. (screenshot)
Now retrace your path from the platform with the upgrade to the 5th platform, with the 2 saws and health pack. From there, jump to the safe platform to the upper left, where there's a checkpoint and a skeleton if you didn't destroy it earlier.
The red skull (3/5) is in the far left corner of the cavern. There's no single correct path to reach it, but if you start from the platform with the checkpoint, then jump to the upper left, lower left, then lower left again, you can pick up a health pack on a platform with 2 saws. From there, jump back to the upper right, then the upper left, upper left, lower left, and lower left again, you'll arrive on the platform with the skull. (screenshot)
Once you have the skull, jump back across the platforms to the upper right. When you reach the fifth platform in the row along the left edge of the cavern, jump over to the wide ledge on the right and you're done. Smash the urns and light the braziers. Then continue up the stairs to the next room. (screenshot)
THIRD AREA WITH GAPS IN THE FLOOR AND FLAME VENTS (single-player game): In the single-player game, there is a pressure pad in the near left corner which deactivates certain of the flame vents and raises a set of wooden ledges, allowing Lara to reach the wide ledge on the upper left side of the room. You'll need to retrieve the time bomb in the far corner and use it to depress this pad.
Start by moving around the edge of the room to the left. As you jump across the gap in the walkway and continue around toward the middle of the room, several crocodile priests appear and begin casting lightning bolts. Shoot them and destroy their bodies with remote bombs, as usual. Or, if you're still working on the crocodile challenge, attempt to bomb them off the ledges into the gaps. (screenshots)
When you've eliminated the enemies, head for the time bomb in the upper corner of the walkway. If you're attempting the time bomb challenge, do not touch the bomb. Instead raise the Staff of Osiris and plant a remote bomb between the time bomb and the wall and detonate it to blast the time bomb to the left. Keeping the Staff raised, use another remote bomb to hurl the time bomb across the gap toward the pressure pad. Then move back around the walkway toward the start and use another remote bomb or two to finesse the time bomb onto the pressure pad. This shuts of some of the flame vents and raises the wooden ledges along the gap between the walkways. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you are not attempting the time bomb challenge, it is much easier to just roll the time bomb to the left, use a emote bomb to blast it across the gap, and then run around and push it onto the pressure pad.
Continue holding the staff up as you move back around to the right corner. Now jump across the ledges and climb onto the wide ledge above the pressure pad and time bomb. Move around behind the low wall and step on the pressure pad to shut off the rest of the flame vents. (screenshots)
Before leaving this area, retrieve the red skull (4/5), hovering near the second gap in the walkway. To get it without touching the time bomb, plant a remote bomb to the upper left of the time bomb. Then raise the Staff as you detonate your bomb to blast the time bomb across the gap onto the walkway near the skull. Use another remote bomb (or several) to move the time bomb closer to the skull. Then place a remote bomb under the time bomb, stand on top of it, and detonate the remote bomb while jumping. This should boost Lara high enough to reach the skull. While you do this, more Sobek priests may appear on the walkway. Destroy them and proceed. (screenshots)
THIRD AREA WITH GAPS IN THE FLOOR AND FLAME VENTS (co-op versions): In 2-player co-op, instead of a time bomb, as in the single-player game, there are 3 golden rings and 2 fixed wooden ledges between the rows of flame vents. First, move move around the walkway to trigger the crocodile priests, since you'll want to take care of them before attempting to navigate between the flame vents. Then get the red skull (4/5) hovering in the gap between the flame vents by having Lara grapple the ring to the upper right, Horus/Isis can then jump onto the cable. Lara should then move around to the left, while Horus/Isis rides on the cable to retrieve the skull. (screenshots)
Now, in order to reach the exit, have Lara stand on the left side of the first gap in the walkway and grapple the ring in the upper corner. Horus or Isis can then jump onto the cable. As Lara steps to he left, Horus/Isis should move toward the middle of the cable, carefully avoiding the flame vents and the round chimney, then jump down onto the first wooden platform. (screenshots)
Lara should then release the cable and grapple the second ring, just to the left. Horus/Isis should jump onto the cable. Then, as Lara walks around the corner to the left, the Egyptian should carefully adjust his/her position on the cable to avoid the flames then drop onto the second wooden platform. Lara should then grapple the third ring, on the upper left wall so Horus/Isis can once again jump onto the cable. When Lara moves onto the pressure pad in the left corner, some of the flame vents on the upper ledge go out, so Horus/Isis can jump from the cable onto the ledge. He or she should then step on the second pressure pad to extinguish the remaining flame vents so Lara can climb up. (screenshots)
NOTE: I haven't done the 3-player version, but I assume it requires something between the 2- and 4-player strategy.
In 4-player co-op, there are no grapple rings or wooden ledges, and the pressure pad that controls the flame vents on the upper ledge is in the top corner instead of the left. First, get the red skull (4/5), which is hovering between the flame vents near the upper corner of the walkway. To retrieve it, extending the grapple across the gap between two characters, then have a third jump onto the cable. Then the ones holding the cable should move to the left while the third retrieves the skull. (screenshot)
To reach the upper ledge, start by positioning one character on the left side of the first gap in the walkway and one character on the left side of the second gap. Extend a grapple between those two characters. Then have a third character jump onto the cable. This is tricky to do without catching fire. It helps if the second character stands very close to the edge and the third character jumps onto the cable from that point, then jumps over the round chimney. (screenshots)
Now the characters holding the grapple should walk to the left and around their respective corners, while the character standing on the cable very carefully adjusts position to avoid the flames. Meanwhile, the fourth character should stand on the pressure pad to shut off the flame vents on the ledge above the gap. Now, the character standing on the cable can jump onto the ledge. He or she should then move onto one of the pressure pads to keep the flame vents above the gap shut off. (screenshots)
Repeat this process with two characters holding the grapple and the third riding on the cable then jumping onto the upper ledge. Once two characters are standing on the pressure pads on the upper ledge, most of the remaining flames go out so everyone can climb up. (screenshots)
When you have everything in this area, head up the stairs to the northeast to the final area.
CLIMBING TO THE EXIT (single-player): Pull the golden handle to extend a series of wooden ledges along the edges of the chasm ahead. Quickly, before the handle retracts and the ledges collapse, jump across the ledges onto the solid stone ledge with the gems. As you pick up the gems, try to avoid being struck by falling boulders. As with lightning bolts, you'll see a circle on the floor just before a a rock is about to hit, so you can move out of the way. (screenshots)
After a little while, the blocks that make up the side walls begin to encroach. Climb up on either side to avoid being crushed between the blocks. Continue to avoid the falling rocks as you do this. Soon the blocks in the back wall also begin to move forward. At this point you'll want to climb onto the small block in the left corner and jump from there to the larger block above on the right. Wait for another block to emerge from the back wall and climb onto it. Then, when the golden scarab on the left wall opens to reveal a grapple ring, grapple it and climb onto the block above. (screenshots)
Before climbing up farther, rappel down the wall to retrieve the final red skull (5/5). If you've found the others, you'll receive a MAX AMMO UPGRADE now. Climb back up the wall and onto the wide ledge above the moving blocks. Once you move into the area with the two staircases, you're safe from the falling rocks. There are a few braziers, breakable urns, and loose gems here in case you need a few more points for one of the score challenges. When you're ready to go, proceed up the stairs and through the exit. (screenshots)
CLIMBING TO THE EXIT (co-op): This area is basically the same with 2, 3 or 4 players. The main hazards are still falling rocks and moving block ledges, which can crush your characters or push them off the edge. After the lower blocks come together, have Horus/Isis extend his/her shield so Lara can climb onto the block above. Then grapple the Egyptian up onto the ledge. After a few moments, the golden scarab above on the left opens to reveal a grapple ring. Lara should grapple this and stand off to the right so Horus/Isis can walk up the cable and jump onto the ledge above. Then Lara can grapple the Egyptian and climb up. Use the shield-and-grapple maneuver to get both characters onto the next higher ledge on the right. (screenshots)
Then use the grapple to lower either character down to the final red skull (5/5) hovering below on the right. If you've found the others, you'll receive a MAX AMMO UPGRADE now. Climb onto the upper ledge and move into the area with the two staircases. Here you're safe from the falling rocks. There are a few braziers, breakable urns, and loose gems here in case you need a few more points for one of the score challenges. When you're ready to go, proceed up the stairs and through the exit. (screenshots)
TREASURE ROOM: Since this is a bonus level, you receive a small statue of Osiris rather than a larger body part. If you completed the level in less than 10 minutes, you now receive the amulet OSIRIS'S SILVER FIRE FLAIL (Power Shot, Scatter Shot, Fire Projectiles, Fire Bomb). If you scored 100,000 points or more you will have already unlocked the ring SEKHMET'S BLESSING (Explosive Resistance, Fire Resistance, Defense+, Speed+, Ammo Efficiency+).
If you beat the bone saw challenge, you get a MAX HEALTH UPGRADE as a reward, and if you completed the level without grabbing a time bomb, you receive the ring called SEKHMET'S RETRIBUTION (Weapon Damage+, Bomb Radius+, Rate of Fire+, 10% Cheaper Items, Reactive Armor).
In addition you'll find the usual health packs and ammo boxes, along with treasure chests you can open by spending gems. To return to the Overworld, stand on the round tile with the golden glyph and press the button indicated.
NOTE: Once you've completed this level you can replay it at any time by re-entering it from the Overworld. You'll probably need at least two passes to complete all the challenges.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 10/26/15 - First draft of walkthrough posted. Finally, right?! ;)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Special thanks to my co-op crew, Alonzorion (Isis), NathPlays (Lara), and ShotgunJen (Horus), and to Treeble for general support and advice. Thanks also to LaraCroft MP for the 2-player screenshots for this level. So far I've only played single- and 4-player versions.
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