As with the previous bone saw section, you can fudge it a little by making sure you don't take any damage between checkpoints. If you take damage at any time during the sequence, just reload the last checkpoint from the pause menu and try again.
The first bone saw moves counterclockwise around its platform.
Jump onto the platform as the saw moves away from you and carefully follow the saw around to the other side of the platform.
Jump onto the next platform on the left and follow the saw there...
...until it's safe to jump over to the next platform on the upper right. Follow this saw around to the upper left.
Now, if you have not taken any damage from the saws up to this point, you can jump over to the next platform on the upper left. Otherwise, reload the last checkpoint, which will put you back on the starting ledge so you can try again.
Once you jump onto the platform with no saw, a checkpoint registers. You'll also have to fight a skeleton or two. You won't fail the challenge if you take damage from enemies, so don't worry about moving in close.
After this, jump onto the platform to the upper left with the 2 bone saws moving clockwise. Stay between them as you move around the platform.
Then jump onto the next platform to the upper right. Follow the saw around the platform and jump onto the next platform to the upper right.
Stay between the 2 saws here as they move clockwise around their platform.
Then jump onto the next platform to the upper right. Again, follow the saw around the right side of the platform.
Jump onto the next platform to the upper right, which has 2 saws moving counterclockwise.
Stay between the saws as you move around to the upper left and jump onto the wide ledge, but do not run forward yet.
Check the Challenges screen to make sure you haven't taken any damage from the saws before moving forward to the next checkpoint. If you did take a hit, there will be a red 'X' under that challenge. Reload the last checkpoint and try again.
If all is well, move toward the stairs to trigger the next checkpoint.
You won't receive the reward for beating this challenge until the end of the level, but if you've made it this far without being wounded by a saw and don't backtrack, you're good.
Copyright © - Stellalune (
). Screen caps from the two-player game are courtesy of LaraCroft MP. All rights reserved. The screenshots and videos included here were made using Fraps. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.