Follow this link for the co-op versions.
The pressure pad in the far corner, to the right of the flame vents, extinguishes some of the flames and raises a set of wooden ledges so you can climb onto the ledge above. However, this only works as long as the pad stays pressed.
So you must use the time bomb to hold down the pad. Start by hopping onto the pedestal with the time bomb. Place a remote bomb in the corner to the left of the time bomb. Jump back down to the walkway...
...raise the Staff, and detonate the remote bomb to fling the time bomb toward you.
If you are not attempting the time bomb challenge, just grab the bomb and roll it onto the pad. Otherwise, use another remote bomb to blast the time bomb across the pit toward the upper right wall. Ideally you want the time bomb to land somewhere near the beginning of the row of flame vents. The exact positioning will vary depending on your bomb strength and radius.
Use another remote bomb to push the time bomb onto the pressure pad.
Continue holding the Staff aloft as you hop across the wooden ledges and climb onto the ledge above.
A Mark of Set appears ahead and crocodile men begin to emerge. You can lure them down to the ledge below and try to bomb them off the edge for the crocodile challenge, but first you must step on the pressure pad behind the low wall to permanently deactivate the flame vents.
If you don't care about the crocodile challenge, just shoot the enemies and bomb their bodies. Otherwise, hop down onto the lower ledge...
Drop a remote bomb in the area of the walkway between the square column and the railing, and when an enemy steps onto it...
...detonate the bomb to (hopefully) blast him off the edge. You may need to run back and forth a bit to lure the enemies onto the bombs—and avoid their lightning bolts and/or explosives.
You may also be able to blast them into the gap in the middle of the walkway, as shown here.
Each time you succeed, you'll see a message showing your progress thus far.
Try not to plant your remote bombs directly opposite the square pedestal...
...since this will just blast the crocs up there instead of into the pit. Don't worry if you only get one or two here. There will be other chances.
Copyright © - Stellalune (
). Screen caps from the two-player game are courtesy of LaraCroft MP. All rights reserved. The screenshots and videos included here were made using Fraps. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.