The Hive - Small Hatchery with Pool

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Enter the glassed-in room to the west through either gold door. Here, we go through the left door and turn right toward the middle of the room.

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There are 3 incubators here. The trigger tiles are the tan ones that run along the edge of the pool. So, walk just to the edge of the red-and-gold step. Roll to come up standing on the nearest trigger tile...

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...hatching the nearest egg, which releases a winged mutant (21), as well as the middle egg, which releases a centaur (22). Quickly run/jump past the flyer and back through the door where you came in.

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Roll, draw weapons, and target the flyer. Advance and retreat as needed, and keep firing until it explodes.

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Step forward just far enough to target the centaur. It' can't cross the water, so there's no rush. Get a lock on it, shoot until it starts to wind up to throw a fireball...

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...then back up into the doorway for safety.

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When the centaur explodes, re-enter the room and move along the edge of the pool toward the remaining incubator.

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As soon as it hatches, backflip away.

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Then flip side to side, while firing, to destroy the second winged mutant (23).

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)