Solarii Fortress - Skirmish in the Throne Room - Part 1

You'll probably come up with your own strategies for this fight, but here are a few suggestions that worked well for me.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Start by taking out the first 2 riflemen, ahead on the left and right of Lara's starting position behind the big silver incense burner. This will enable you to move a bit more freely around the room without taking heavy rifle fire. You can't hide behind the urn for too long, though. Enemy bullets will eventually destroy it, and it won't protect Lara from explosives. So try to keep moving from cover to cover as you shoot whichever enemies present themselves.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
The guys with shotguns try to get close to you before they start firing. So you can use the columns for cover.

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Then blast them with your own shotgun as they try and sneak up on you. Melee attacks can also be effective on these guys. Be careful with melee moves, though. Sometimes Lara will jump out from cover to deliver a finisher, exposing her to attack from other enemies.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
The demolitions men and the ones armed with rifles tend to hang back behind cover and throw explosives or shoot when Lara is exposed. Dodge out of the way of incoming explosives...

TOMB RAIDER screenshot so...

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
...and immediately take cover behind a different barrier.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Peer out and shoot as the enemies are reloading or preparing a charge to throw.

[Part 2 | Return to the Solarii Fortress Walkthrough]