Coastal Village - Second Cluster of Huts (part 4)

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Jump up to the flat spot on top of the nearest thatched roof.

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Then jump straight up to grab the monkey bars in the trees.

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Monkey swing forward, right, then left, following the bars to cross over the spikes.

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At the end of the monkey bars, where the last section slopes upward, drop down onto the roof beyond the spikes.

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Slide down the sloping roof, cross over the top of the next roof, and walk down to the flat, triangular spot near the balcony with wooden railings.

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Jump across to the balcony and enter the hut. This is "tree house #3" on the VILLAGE MAP.

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Press the button.

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This raises a platform over the burners in the stone building.

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Immediately roll and kill the angry villager who rushes in through the doorway behind you.

Drop down to the ground and climb back up through the tree house with the ladder. Again, jump from the window to the building with the carved skulls and the burners inside. (Check the screenshots for the previous section if you need a refresher.)

[Part 3 | Part 5 | Return to the Coastal Village Walkthrough]