Temple of Xian - Pool with Side Tunnels and Levers (Part 2)

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Pull lever 4 to open the gate out in the big pool.

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Roll, swim out of this tunnel and turn left at lever 3.

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When you come to the wide tunnel swim across to the opposite wall to find lever 2, just below and to the left.

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Pull it to open the door with the serpent face once more.

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This lowers the water level and sweeps Lara back into the big pool, where she can breathe.

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The gate you just opened using lever 4 is on the other side of the pool, to the right of lever 1.

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Swim through and locate lever 5 on the right wall of this dark room.

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Pull it to open the exit, high in the ceiling of the pool room.

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Swim back out to the pool. Use lever 1 once more to raise the water level.

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Then swim up to the air pocket in the ceiling and climb out of the water at the gate you just opened.

[Part 1 | Return to the Temple of Xian Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.