Temple of Xian - Pool with Side Tunnels and Levers (Part 1)

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On the left side of the pool is an underwater opening with a strong current that prevents you from swimming through. On the right is a closed gate and a lever. It's the first of 5 in this area so we'll call it lever 1.

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Swim down and pull the lever.

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This closes a door decorated with a serpent's face at the end of the passage with the current, raising the water level in the pool and slowing the current.

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Swim up to the ceiling where you'll find 2 air pockets. Use the one just above the lever if you need air right away. Then swim across to the other air hole on the far side of the room (i.e., just above where you entered).

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Climb out of the water and pick up a large medi pack and grenades.

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Now swim down and to the left.

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Follow the wide tunnel, which slopes upward then down again.

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When you come to the door with the serpent face, ignore lever 2 on the left for now. Instead swim through the little opening on the upper right opposite the lever.

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Follow this tunnel past the gate and lever 3 to find a small medi pack.

NOTE: If Lara is running out of air at this point, swim out of this tunnel and pull lever 2 (the one you passed a moment ago). It's on the far wall of the wide tunnel, just below and to the left. (screenshot) This lowers the water level and sweeps Lara back into the big pool so she can breathe. Then use lever 1 again to raise the water level and swim back to the passageway where you found the medi pack.

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Pull lever 3 to open the gate directly opposite. Roll and swim straight through.

[Part 2 | Return to the Temple of Xian Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.