40 Fathoms - Timed Door and Secret #2 Jade Dragon (Part 2)

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At the end of this short passageway is a hole leading to the outside. Drop into the flooded passageway and follow it to the right. . .

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. . . around a corner. . .

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. . . and then forward to emerge outside an open area.

A shark and 3 barracudas patrol this enclosed area. They move in on Lara as soon as she enters the water. You could try and harpoon them, but this is difficult to do without wasting both harpoons and medi packs. It's easier to just swim fast and avoid them as much as possible.

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SECRET #2, the Jade Dragon, rests on the sea floor to the left.

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You can also see it through the portholes from inside the wreck.

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When you've grabbed the dragon, return through the tunnel the way you came. It's at the right end of the hull with the portholes when facing the wreck from the pool.

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Follow the tunnel forward and around the corner to the left.

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Swim to the end and climb out above on the left.

[Part 1 | Return to the 40 Fathoms Walkthrough]

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.