After climbing into the hallway from the room below, turn around to find a switch (marked 1 on the map included in the main walkthrough) beside the doorway. This switch opens a door elsewhere (A). It's on a timer, so you'll need to hustle to get there before it closes.
So pull the switch and roll.
Then run along the passage, jumping over the silver pipes at floor level as you go. If you time it right, so Lara pulls the switch, rolls, runs 2 steps and then jumps (as shown in the screenshot above). . .
. . . you can then just hold the Forward and Jump buttons down and she'll do a smooth series of running leaps over the pipes.
At the end of the hallway, turn left.
Jump over one more pipe and jump or vault up into the doorway before the door closes.
Or, if you're having trouble cornering and clearing that last pipe, instead run to the end of the hallway so Lara runs into the porthole directly ahead. Then take 2 side flips to the left. . .
. . . to land in the doorway. Once you're inside the door, it'll stay open.
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