While you fight the first 3 men, 2 more enemies come through the doorway to the northeast. One uses cover and shoots with a rifle.
The other charges at you with a knife. Try to shoot him before he gets to you. Then finish off any survivors.
Once you've taken care of the first group, 4 more soldiers drop in from above.
They detonate smoke bombs of their own, making it harder to target them as they approach.
Your reticle will still turn red if you have a live target, so pay attention and shoot when you see red. If you use a poison arrow, you may be able to take out more than one enemy at a time.
Alternatively, shoot the wooden block holding up either of the massive chandeliers to drop it on anyone standing below. This is less reliable but much more stylish! Even if you don't manage to crush anybody, dropping the chandeliers destroys some of the barriers the enemies can otherwise use for cover.
Similarly, the low wall where you start this fight may not make it through to the end. If you don't immediately kill the grenadiers, their explosives will destroy this wall, forcing you to take cover elsewhere. There are many columns you can hide behind, so keep moving and don't let the bad guys corner you.
After the fight is over, search all the bodies and pick up ammo and supplies. There's also a small pile of coins in one corner...
...and a survival cache (2/3) buried in the corner diagonally opposite.
Just outside the doorway to the northeast is a container with cloth and another Byzantine coin, and a monolith (1/1). It's written in Greek but if you've been studying hard, you should be able to read it. Doing so reveals 3 coin caches on your map.
The nearest coin cache (1/3) is buried by the curved wall on the southwest side of this room
[Part 1 | Return to the Abandoned Mines Walkthrough]
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