After using the second zip line to cross the canyon and re-enter the ruins, as shown in the previous section, follow the curving walkway, drop down, pick more mushrooms, and craft as many poison arrows as you can.
Before jumping down into the next room, scope out the layout. As soon as you hit the floor, 3 Trinity soldiers notice Lara and attack from the northeast end of the room. As far as I know, there is no way to sneak up on them. They each exhibit different behaviors: One shoots from cover, one throws grenades, and one pulls a knife and runs straight at Lara.
Start by moving forward to crouch behind the low wall and adjacent column. There's rifle ammo here and, if you have the Incendiary Bombs skill, a red gas can off to the right that you can use to make a petrol bomb.
Grab the gas can and hold RB/Middle Mouse to craft a firebomb while moving back under cover.
If you work quickly and toss the can out from behind the wall, you can take out one or two men right away.
If the knife-wielding guy survives the explosion and charges toward Lara...
...shoot him as he approaches. If he gets too close, use the dodge maneuver you practiced back in the COPPER MILL: Hold LT/Right Mouse to keep a weapon pointed at him.
Then, as he lunges toward you... B/C to dodge.
If you have unlocked the Dodge Counter skill, a successful dodge triggers a brief QTE. A large, circular icon appears on screen. Wait for the thin gray circle to contract to all the way into the button icon in the center of the circle. Then press Y/F to temporarily disable the enemy.
Quickly move in and press Y/F again to attack.
With the basic Dodge Counter, you must then tap X/E in time with the prompts to choke the enemy with your bow. After you've unlocked Dodge Kill, the second-tier version of this skill, you'll only have to press Y/F to perform a melee kill on an unarmored enemy. Later, the Dodge Kill Mastery skill will let you kill heavily armored foes this way.
[Part 2 | Return to the Abandoned Mines Walkthrough]
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