Updated: 6/19/16(†)
There are only a few collectibles in this short level. This guide, along with the annotated level map, should help when revisiting this level. If you are playing through for the first time, you may want to follow the main walkthrough instead. Weapons, Equipment, and Outfits are covered separately.
Mural · Explorer Satchel · Survival Caches
The mural is in a side room halfway up the main orrery room on the west side. After releasing the clamp on that side of the puzzle, follow the dark passageway to the south to reach the mural. If you missed it, return to the Solemn Crevasse Base Camp and follow the notes at the end of the main walkthrough. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
The satchel is on a high stone ledge just southeast of the Solemn Crevasse Base Camp. If you missed it the first time through, return to the camp and head southeast to the ledge overlooking the crevasse. Shoot two climbing arrows into the wall on the right, as shown here, and use them to reach the ledge above. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
The first survival cache is on the ledge that runs alongside the crevasse near the level entrance. You can reach it from the Ridgeline Base Camp in the GEOTHERMAL VALLEY by following the main walkthrough. Or, return to the Solemn Crevasse Camp, head southeast to the ledge overlooking the crevasse, climb around to the right, and pull up. (screenshot) Move forward and drop down almost directly on top of the cache, as shown here. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
The next cache is in the small flooded area just north of the Solemn Crevasse Camp. As you enter the pool, swim around the corner to the right and climb out onto the small stone ledge where the cache is buried. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
The last cache is in the tunnel leading from the codex room to the next level, the PATH OF THE DEATHLESS. If you missed it, fast travel back to the Solemn Crevasse Camp and follow the path north to the orrery. The entrance to the upper level should be open now so you can cross directly to the codex room. (screenshot) From there, follow the tunnel forward and drop down to find the cache. Then backtrack to the Solemn Crevasse camp and fast travel to wherever you left off. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
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†UPDATE HISTORY: 6/19/16 - Page first posted online.
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