NOTE: These pages show the locations of all of the braziers you must light to complete the challenge. Each brazier is also mentioned in the main walkthrough in the section where it appears.
The next 2 braziers (21-22/51) are on either side of the same walkway, at the top of the stairs, just before the MULTI-LEVEL ROOM WITH CIRCULAR ICE VENTS.
The next brazier (23/51) is on the ledge with the glowing sphere. In the single-player and 2-player co-op versions, it is part of the golden ring that you must grapple in order to get the ICY DEATH weapon. (See here for details.)
In 3- and 4-player co-op, this brazier is in the same general location but has no ring attached. You may light it by accident when rolling the sphere past it; otherwise use a torch or incendiary weapons.
The next 4 braziers (24-27/51) are in the hallway between the MULTI-LEVEL ROOM WITH CIRCULAR ICE VENTS and the POOL WITH FROZEN ISLANDS. #24 is just to the right of the AMMO CACHE.
#25 and #26 are just a little farther along...
...and #27 is in the corner with the health packs just before entering the area with the icy pool.
There's one brazier (28/51) near the POOL WITH FROZEN ISLANDS. It's on the right side of the staircase to the northeast. Be sure to light it on your way out.
The next 3 braziers (29-31/51) are in the room with the TIME BOMB AND LEDGE WITH ICE VENTS BELOW. One is on the right; the others are in the alcove behind the time bomb.
The next brazier (32/51) is in the right corner at the top of the stairs in this same area.
The next 2 braziers (33-34/51) are just beyond the ice vents, in the corridor where you use the time bomb to blow up the crumbling wall.
There's another brazier (35/51) in the left corner just before the stairs leading up to the next area.
[Part 1| Part 3 | Return to the Tomb of Hoarfrost Walkthrough]
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