This next physics-defying room contains a number of boulders that roll when you pass in front of them, sometimes rolling through each other, yet flattening Lara if she's in the way. The diagram below shows the boulders in their starting positions and one possible path to avoid them and get all the goodies. This sequence is also shown in a short video walkthrough.
The boulders on the stairs don't roll yet, so walk down the right side of the stairs and take a few steps into the room. (This path is indicated by red arrow A in the diagram and the white arrow in the screenshot above.)
Pick up the flares...
Turn left and run forward across the edges of the next two adjacent tiles, then veer to the right and stop behind the square pillar (red arrow B in diagram/white arrows in screenshot). This triggers boulders #1, #2, and #3, but as long as you stop near the pillar, you'll be safe.
Position Lara at the back left corner of the pillar facing the Desert Eagle clips (DE on the diagram). Hop forward onto the tile with the clips then immediately hop back (red arrow C in diagram/white arrows above).
Hopping back allows you to avoid boulder #4 which rolls from the far corner, over the clips.
Step forward again and pick up the clips.
From where the Desert Eagle clips were, run forward to the far left corner (red arrow D in diagram/white arrow in screenshot). Boulder #5 rolls toward you, stopping against the left wall.
Now turn around and pick up the rocket (R).
Stand where the rocket was, facing the exit. Run forward, turn sharply to the right, and stop on the next tile (red arrow E in diagram/white arrow in screenshot). When you do this, boulder #6 rolls from the exit to the opposite wall.
Turn toward the exit. Now run straight ahead toward the wall just to the right of the exit (red arrow F in the diagram/white arrow above). This should trigger boulder #7 (near the left wall) and boulders #8 and #9 (on the stairs). As long as you reach the far wall quickly, you'll be safe.
Boulders #8 and #9 end up by the left wall where #7 originated.
Now you can pick up the shotgun shells (SS).
Finally, head for the exit, pick up the grenades (G) in the alcove on the left.
Hop forward into the hallway to trigger the last boulder...
...and immediately hop back into the alcove to avoid it (red arrow G in the diagram/white arrow above). Now you can continue along the hallway.
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