Ride down into the wide tunnel, making a U-turn to the right at the bottom.
You'll hear some dramatic music and see a sniper run past the fenced opening here.
Dismount and walk out onto the long ledge jutting out over the pit to get a small medi pack.
Get back on the bike, race forward along that jutting ledge...
...and jump the bike across the pit onto the ledge in the far right corner.
Turn left and drive carefully along the rocky shelf at the edge of the pit.
Dismount behind the second support pillar and shoot 2 snipers...
...one on a ledge above the left rim of the pit...
...the other in the doorway ahead. (The second sniper is the same one you saw running around when you drove down through the tunnel. If you can't get a clear shot at him from this distance, just continue on. You'll reach him in a moment.)
There's a keycard sitting on a ledge below, but don't drop down there yet.
Instead pick up some flares on the ground near the support pillar.
Then get back on the bike and drive along the sloped, brown rim of the pit to the doorway in the corner where the second sniper was. If you didn't shoot him, you can run him over with the bike or dismount and kill him.
Inside this cavelike room, pick up the MP5 clips sitting on one of the stairs.
Then roll, draw pistols, and kill the 2 rats that try to sneak up behind you.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Shakespeare Cliff Walkthrough]
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