After picking up the DRILL ACTIVATOR CARD and jumping the quad bike through the gate, as described in the previous section, you end up in this small room. Dismount and head for the far left corner, where you'll find a small medi pack in an alcove. Then go through the room with the burning barrel...
...and climb up onto the metal walkway.
Kill 2 tunnel workers who climb out of the depression on the right side of the walkway. Take the small medi pack and flares they drop.
Hop down off the walkway on the right side and head for the far end of the tunnel.
You'll find some Uzi clips behind one of the portable toilets. Take them, climb on top of the toilet...
...and kill the 3 rats that come out to nibble on Lara.
Climb onto the back of the tunnel-boring machine and use the switch to turn it on.
This also opens a trapdoor where the metal walkway crosses the machine.
Drop in here and use the DRILL ACTIVATOR CARD in the white card reader.
Climb out and go to the front of the drill. You'll see it has dug out a section of tunnel. Jump up the slope, drop through the square hole in the ground...
...and slide down into the tunnel below. Kill a couple of rats at the bottom.
Then use the switch to open a pair of gates nearby.
Go through the gate you just opened and take a running jump to grab the opening on the other side of the pit. Pull up and take the PUMP ACCESS DISK.
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