Tomb Raider Anniversary Time Trial Tips - Level 1: Mountain Caves

The following walkthrough was created by Eldin to help other gamers who might be having trouble beating the Anniversary time trials.

Before you start, be sure to review the General Time Trial Tips & Strategy if you haven't done so already. You can also find the regular walkthrough for this level here.

Time Limit: 6:00

At the beginning of the level, move forward using the "Swan Dive Jump" to quickly reach the first wall. (This is the fastest way to cover flat ground in Anniversary. The controls for the swan dive jump, or running swan dive, are Forward + Jump + Crouch. See the TRA controls page for details.)

While on the wall make sure to use "Fast Traverse" along ledges (i.e., tap Interact in time with Lara's movements).

When grapple swinging, try to jump at the end of the first swing to save a few seconds, rather than swinging back and forth several times.

Make sure to choose your best weapon.

Again, use the "Swan Dive Jump" to cover flat ground like this in order to save some time.

Shoot enemies while running, because standing in one place will waste time. Also make sure to choose the most powerful weapon.

Do not kill all the enemies unless you have to. At this point, after the bridge collapses, you can get to it without killing the wolves.

At the section with the bear pit, jump toward the rope. Then, as soon as Lara grabs it, jump again. Do not swing more than once.

Again, at this point use the "Swan Dive Jump" in order to cover more space.

At the next pit, take a running jump to grab the horizontal pole. As soon as Lara grabs it, jump again without swinging.

In the elevated hallways with the wolves, run toward the enemies while shooting.

Do not waste time swinging around horizontal poles. Instead, as soon as Lara grabs the pole and starts to swing forward, jump again to let go and land on the floor ahead.

Time trial completed!

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