Midas's Palace - Fire Pillar Cheat

Instead of stepping directly onto the pressure pad that triggers the burners, approach the edge of the pad. Then gradually move onto it by adjusting the camera angle and tapping the movement keys or left analog stick so Lara scooches forward a little at a time.

You want her to step one foot onto the pad, then the other. The trick is to depress the pad completely with one of Lara's feet while keeping the other one on the walkway.

Then, if the flames don't come on, ease the other foot onto the pad.

Now you should be able to proceed from there, jumping across to the first squat, round pillar and continuing on as described in the main walkthrough.

Generally I don't do video walkthroughs, but since this sequence is a bit difficult to describe with screenshots alone, I've also included a short video showing how to do it.

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