Solarii Fortress - Combat in the Street Below the Palace - Part 3

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Now to deal with the 2 jerks across the street. These guys are lurking on the balcony of the building with the crown of flaming boards on top. They'll shoot at Lara and huck Molotov cocktails. Before they can do too much damage, draw your rifle, aim above their heads and fire a grenade or two.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Then look around the corner to the next house on the left. Take out the sniper on the balcony there.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Killing these guys triggers the final group of enemies in this stretch of road: another shotgun guy and rifleman. Kill them with rifle or grenades as they approach.

After this the coast is clear for a bit. As long as you don't go past the fountain at the bend in the street, you can explore this section, looting bodies and picking up as much ammo as you can carry. I haven't included screenshots of every pickup, but the main walkthrough has details.

[Part 2 | Part 4 | Return to the Solarii Fortress Walkthrough]