From the building with the bell, where Lara last spoke with Sam over the radio, jump across the gap to the ledge with the 2 boxes of shotgun shells.
Then slide down the zip line to the hut below.
In a brief cut scene, Lara crashes through the roof of the hut, tumbles out and—if you're quick enough to press the Interact button on cue—ends up hanging from the floor above the canyon.
Stay where you are as one of the 3 Solarii stationed outside comes to investigate. As long as you don't pull up, he'll go back outside without noticing Lara.
Now pull up and stay crouched to the left of the doorway. Watch the 3 guys as they discuss what to do about the fuel leaking out of the tank nearby. Don't wait too long, though. Once they start talking about needing something to hold the gas, you're about to run out of time. At that point one of them will come back into the hut to look for a container.
So before that happens, target the lantern the numbskulls have left sitting on the ground and shoot it with an arrow... set off a lovely explosion. The man with the shotgun and bandolier will most likely survive.
So shoot him has he comes toward you.
Be sure to loot his body, since he's carrying a SHOTGUN PART (1/3). Search the other bodies as well.
NOTE: If you forget to search the bodies and miss this SHOTGUN PART, you'll find it in one of the early salvage crates in the next area, Shantytown.
Before the rest of the enemies down the hill figure out what's going on, move down the path on the left but stay to the right side of the path...
...and use the pile of metal debris for cover.
[Part 2 | Return to the Mountain Village Walkthrough]
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