The following sequence is also shown in this gameplay video. When the new level begins, drop down to the floor and use the grapple to return the big screw to its original position. You'll know the screw is all the way up when you see a cut scene of the Thor statue lowering its head and moving the hand holding the hammer back toward its chest. Now go to the tall, free-standing carved pillar on the other side of the screw. With Lara wearing the belt and gauntlets, it glows with blue energy. Use your Thor strength to push the huge column along the groove in the floor until it stops in the depression at the end. With the column positioned here, you'll be able to reach the exit more easily after you get the relic.
The camera may bug out a bit if Lara gets stuck underneath the hammer. If this happens, carefully inch forward until Lara clears the edge of the hammer and stands up.
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