Push the single movable crate on the right against the chain-link fence. Then push it up against the stack of crates. (In each screenshot the arrow shows the movement of the box. The following screenshot shows the boxes after moving them as directed.)
Stand on top of the box you just moved. Push the box on the second level of the stack that is closest to the fence so it is between the fence and the highest part of the stack.
Go to the other single crate in the middle of the floor. (It's slightly smaller than the others and has red designs on it.) Push it up against the stacked crates.
Return to the first crate you moved. (It's now nearest to the door in the fence.) Pull it back from the fence. Then go around to the right side and push it alongside the box with the red stencil.
Go around to the right side of the stack (when facing the fence) and climb onto the box nearest to the fence. Turn so Lara's back is toward the fence and push the box in the second level on top of the last box you moved.
Go around to the other side of the box you just moved. Lara will be standing on top of the box with the red stencil. Pull the box you just moved toward the wall as far as you can. Climb over it and push it from the other side so it's on top of the red-stenciled box.
Climb on top of the last box you moved and push the topmost box toward the fence. This increases Lara's upper body strength.
[Return to the Strahov Fortress walkthrough]
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