A red-eyed dog charges from the passageway ahead.
Two more dogs appear when you round the corner. You can probably kill them with pistols. Just take care not to hop back into the blades or fall off the edge while fighting. The shotgun also works well. One shot at close range will put down each dog.
Continue to the end of the hall.
Slide down the ramp on the left side. If you slide on the right, you'll land in a pit with 2 red scorpions.
Lara won't target the scorpions from above, so if you want all the kills, you'll need to drop into the pit and shoot them. Otherwise, it's easy enough to avoid them.
On the floor opposite the pit are the UZIS, loaded with 30 rounds. (You didn't think you went through all that just for a lousy medipack and some flares, did you?) Step off the edge here...
...and slide down into the hallway between the ROOM WITH RED STARS and the SANDY PIT. (Remember you saw this opening from below earlier.)
Return up the ramps to the ROOM WITH RED STARS...
...and through the doorway on the right to get back to the ROOM WITH THE PEDESTAL AND DANGLING ROPE.
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