If you don't care about every kill and pick-up, you can skip this section. If you do want everything, either before or after using the SUN TALISMAN in the area with the SMALL POOL AND TWO OBELISKS, drop into the hole in the northeast corner of this area and go through the crawlspace.
On the other side, when Lara can stand again, pull up into a small room, immediately draw pistols, turn right, and shoot another scorpion. Pick up some flares in the corner ahead. (If the scorpion and flares are missing, you probably got them during your first visit to this level.)
Now climb into the raised crawlspace. Turn around, back up to the opening, and drop down in the LAKESIDE area you explored earlier.
Roll and run forward. When you reach the low stone ledge on the left, hop up onto it.
Shoot the crocodile that approaches from the northeast corner, where you entered from the GREAT HYPOSTYLE HALL the first time.
When it's dead, head back to the raised crawlspace on the south wall and return to the SMALL POOL WITH TWO OBELISKS the way you came.
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