Now you're headed for the door set into the side of the pyramid about halfway up. Naturally there's no direct route. You'll have to hop across the various flat ledges on the sloping side of the ancient building.
Start by moving past the first exposed block at the right (east) end of the pyramid and stepping up onto the second tier. From there you can reach another flat spot on the third tier (one level above).
There's a giant beetle at the end of the long ledge on the fourth tier. You may be able to target it from here with pistols. If not, angle Lara slightly to the left and take a standing jump up onto the long ledge...
...and shoot the beetle as it flies toward you. Then move to the end of the ledge where the beetle originated.
NOTE: For running jumps along the pyramid, like the one shown below, set up each jump so Lara takes off just bit before the raised edge of the next block; otherwise, she'll nick her foot on it and end up doing a standing jump instead. You're probably an old pro at setting up jumps by now, but if you need a refresher, check out the Classic Tomb Raider Tips & Strategy section.
Take a running jump over the next two sloping blocks to land on the one beyond...
...and slide down to a flat spot on the second tier (two tiers below).
Immediately turn right (left if you slid down facing up the slope) and kill another giant beetle.
Move to the far end of this ledge, turn right, and step up onto the third tier...
...climb/jump up to the fourth...
...then the fifth...
...sixth, and finally the seventh. Now you should be on the same level as the doorway, which is off to the right (east).
Occasionally the next giant beetle will fly out from the doorway and attack Lara here.
More often the beetle will stay hidden until you take a running jump across the next two sloping blocks to land in the doorway.
Then it will fly up and you'll need to deal with it.
Use the GUARD'S KEYS to open the door. This is the level exit, but don't leave yet. There's still a secret nearby.
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