Khufu's Queen's Pyramids - Eastern Shaft Key Guardian

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After navigating through the maze to the south end, as described in the main walkthrough, ready weapons before stepping on the next pressure pad.

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When the block in the doorway comes down, you'll be face to face with the HAWK-HEADED GUARDIAN in the next room. If you have grenades or explosive arrows to spare (about 7 should do the trick), advance just far enough so Lara targets the guardian...

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...and start firing. The energy bolts the guardian shoots from his staff aren't too powerful, as long as you keep your distance.

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Once you've defeated the guardian, enter the room to trigger 3 black scorpions which emerge from behind the pillars. Tap Look if necessary to switch targets and back away shooting. (Just don't back up too far or you'll get stuck behind the next block in the maze and have to make your way around to the guardian room again.)

- OR -

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If you're out of explosives, use one of the tricks introduced in CLEOPATRA'S PALACES. Instead of running up to the guardian, crouching, and shooting with pistols (which will also trigger the scorpions), as soon as the block comes down, hop back to the intersection. Then step back into either of the side passageways just far enough so the guardian can't see (and shoot) Lara.

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Draw pistols, crouch, and wait for the guardian to come to you.

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When it reaches the corner, start shooting and keep the fire button depressed. The guardian will shoot energy bolts over Lara's head. As long as Lara is crouching close to its feet, the bolts will cause little or no damage.

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After about 200 rounds (100 shots with dual pistols), the guardian will fall and fade away. You can then enter the room and deal with the 3 scorpions.

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Use the CROWBAR to pry the EASTERN SHAFT KEY from the wall with the huge star.

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Taking the key causes the gate to open back at the entrance to the maze.

[Khufu's Queen's Pyramids Walkthrough]