Catacombs - Room with High Ledges and Circular Skylights -
Lower Level (part 1)

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
To reach this area, climb the short ladder up to the doorway in the northwest corner of the HUGE ROOM WITH THE PLATFORM, ROPES, AND POOL.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Then follow the stairs down to a large room with a high ceiling and ledges above.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Start by entering the WEST ROOM (i.e., the first door on the left).

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Just inside you'll meet a skeleton. You can hit it with explosives or roll...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot back out the door, turn left...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot ...and head for the north end of the long aisle that runs down the middle of the room. Jump over the shallow pit...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...roll and wait for the skeleton to hop across after you. When it touches down on your side of the pit, use the shotgun to knock it into the pit, destroying it.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Before returning to the WEST ROOM, go into the EAST ROOM, which is now on the left if you're heading back from the shallow pit toward the entrance.

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Just inside the doorway, turn right...

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...then left down a short flight of stairs.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
As you step down into the room at the bottom of the stairs, another skeleton rises out of the floor. Destroy it with explosives or lure it back to the pit by rolling...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...and running back up the stairs. At the top, turn right...

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...then left into the doorway...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
...then right again into the long aisle between the rooms.

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Run and jump over the shallow pit.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Then roll and draw the shotgun as you wait for the skeleton to approach. When it hops across the pit and touches down on your side, blast it into the pit.

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