Catacombs - Room with High Ledges and Circular Skylights
Upper Level (part 2)

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Now jump across the ledges to the dangling rope on the northwest side of the room.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Take a running jump to grab the rope.

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Swing over to the next ledge.

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Run toward the wall and turn left...

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot spot another skeleton coming toward you. Wait for it to hop across the gap just in front of you and then blast it off the ledge.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
There's a brown door over in the southwest corner, near where the skeleton came from. It doesn't open yet, but there's a secret behind it, so note its location. For now, take a running jump with Action to the alcove with the climbing pole.

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Climb about halfway up the pole and backflip onto the ledge with the jars and sleeping skeleton. It doesn't wake up until you return here later.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
You can dispose of it with a grenade now, or avoid it. Climb the ladder to the room above.

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