While exploring this area, take care to avoid the metal plate which functions as a lightning rod. Go around to the left to get behind the plate.
As you move away from the trapdoor, a swarm of locusts spawns off to the east and homes in on Lara. Save and reload to make them disappear, or crouch in the corner near the low step to minimize the damage.
Then, when the swarm disperses, squeeze past the metal box into the area behind the metal plate.
Here you'll find another metal box and some kind of contraption with a wooden top. Do not move either of the boxes onto the metal plate. If you do, you probably won't be able to move it off again in order to continue. Lara's box-pulling animation is just too slow to avoid the lightning strikes.
NOTE: If you've already done this and come to the walkthrough looking for help, the only solutions I know of are to reload an earlier save and try again, download one of my save files, or use the level skip cheat, which I don't recommend except as a last resort. See the warning on the cheats page for more info.
Instead, grab the box near the metal plate and pull it once, away from the plate.
Go around or over it and push it into the north alcove to get it out of the way.
Pull the contraption out of its alcove.
Then go around it and push it...
...onto the metal plate.
This causes the plate to sink.
Now the lightning strikes the ROOF BRIDGE, destroying half of it.
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