To get back to the wooden bridge, from the spot where you got the save crystal, crawl forward to the edge overlooking the water-filled trench. Stand up carefully in an area with no flying darts and step off the edge to land on the long ledge near the water.
Back up to the wall.
Then take a running jump across the water onto the raised floor at the top of the slope. Crawl past the whirling blade and exit the temple onto the wooden bridge.
Cross over to the far end, turn left, walk to the edge, and take a standing jump to grab the vine-covered rock column. Instead of climbing up, like you did earlier when you went after secret #2, climb down to the flat, square block below.
Then safety drop to the ground. Be sure to drop from the flat side of this block. If you slide down the angled side, Lara will land in the pool of quicksand.
If you want all the kills, head up the green slope. Then turn around to confront a hostile tribesman who tries to sneak up behind you.
If you hop back while shooting, you should be able to kill him with pistols before he reaches you.
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