Coastal Village - Underwater Passageway to the Tree House Overlooking the Swamp

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You're now back in the clearing with the first cluster of huts.

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Jump into the pool and swim through the trapdoor you just opened.

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Follow the underwater passage. As you turn the corner to the left...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot'll run into a crocodile. You can harpoon it or swim past it and up to the surface.

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Then quickly climb out and either shoot the crocodile from above or just move on.

- OR -

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Alternatively, swim into the passageway just as far as the first corner. Roll and swim back out. The crocodile will follow, so climb out on the bank as quickly as you can.

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Then shoot the croc with pistols when it emerges. Once it's dead, swim through the flooded tunnel and climb out of the water in the tunnel above.

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Climb the ladder and follow the passageway.

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Cross the wooden bridge spanning the narrow canyon you came through earlier. This is the "elevated passage" on the left side of the VILLAGE MAP. Continue around to an opening overlooking the TREE HOUSE near the swamp.

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Walk to the edge and take a standing jump to grab the bamboo ledge in front of the tree house. Pull up to end the level.

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