Go around to the right side of the second crate and push it once along the ledge to get it out of the way. This opens up a passageway into the attic. (You could also simply push the second crate forward into the attic, but then you'll have to navigate around it during the upcoming timed run.)
The switch at the other end of the wooden ledge opens the basement door, which is downstairs just off the MAIN HALL on the way into the GYM. The door is timed to close after about 28 seconds, so you'll have to hustle.
Light a flare to aid in navigating the dark attic. Pull the switch, press the Look button to get Lara's perspective back, and immediately roll so Lara's back is toward the switch.
Run straight forward along the ledge, turn right, and run through the doorway where the second crate was.
As you run through the attic and down the stairs, press Sprint ( / on the PC or Mac, R2 on the PlayStation) on the straight-aways but release it to navigate the curves.
Sprint forward into the attic, and make a hard left into the stairwell.
Continue left and down the stairs.
At the bottom of the attic stairs, turn right. (You should have opened the attic door already from the other side, but if not, press the button do it now. Then go back up to the switch and try the timed run again.)
As you exit the attic, take a running jump to clear the railing, aiming for the middle of the stairs if you can.
Then, once you land on the stairs below, turn a little to the right and jump forward over the banister—or side flip to the right to clear the banister if that works better for you.
Then roll and Sprint through the basement door, which should still be open.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Training Level Walkthrough]
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