As the wasps emerge, you'll notice their glowing abdomens illuminate an invisible platform near the hive opening. That's where you're headed if you want the next secret. If you don't want the secret, just follow along for now.
Move forward to the gap in the middle of the bridge, turn left.
Then take a running jump to grab the edge of the snowy opening in the cave wall. Pull up and get the save/power-up crystal.
Now turn around, move out into the opening, turn left, and take a standing jump to the top of the pile of snow.
Walk forward to the edge and jump straight up to grab the stone ledge above. Pull up and turn right.
Take a running jump to grab the edge of the bridge arch and pull up once more.
If you don't care about getting the secret move to the left side of this ledge and safety drop onto the bridge. Now pick up the main walkthrough here.
If you do want the secret, turn right to face the archway on the other side of the wide gap. The wasps' nest is just beyond this archway on the left side of the cavern. If there are still wasps coming out of it, it will be easy to spot. Light a flare, throw it in that direction, and you'll see an invisible platform about halfway across the gap.
If you're low on flares, pistol fire will illuminate the invisible platform once you're standing it, but for now you can aim for the triangular flat spot on the left corner of the opposite arch. It's clearly too far to reach from here...
...but if you take a running jump toward it...
...Lara should land on the invisible platform.
If the wasps are still spawning, try and shoot them before they get close enough to knock Lara off the ledges. Walk carefully to the far corner, take a step back from the edge, then take a standing jump to the corner of the arch.
To avoid having to take an awkward jump over the pointed part of the arch, instead walk to the far corner of the triangular flat spot.
Take a standing jump without pressing Action to land on the next invisible platform.
Then turn left and take a final running jump into the cave. Be careful not to run forward into the deep hole from which the wasps emerge. This is SECRET #1, 2 small medi packs sitting in the doorway, plus 2 sets of Desert Eagle clips and some grenades inside on the right.
NOTE: According to several PlayStation gamers, if you save the game on the last invisible platform and then allow Lara to fall to her death, when you reload the wasps stop respawning. This doesn't seem to work in the PC version.
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). All rights reserved. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.