Return outside to the COURTYARD.
Head to the left.
In the corner near the tall, painted doors there's a keyhole. Use the ULI KEY there open the blue metal gates.
Enter and climb the ladder to the small, dark room above.
Follow the passageway away from the ladder. You can use the switch in the doorway directly ahead to open the blue gate leading into the hallway where you were earlier, but this isn't necessary.
Turn left and step outside...
...onto a ledge overlooking the COURTYARD. Throw the switch here.
You receive a "vision" of a room with several buttons, but nothing actually happens until you pull the next switch.
Climb back inside.
Then go forward to the end of the hall. Turn right...
...slide down the ramp.
Then use the switch on the side of the angled block at the far end of the room. This opens the double doors leading back into the COURTYARD.
If you pulled the other switch above, this switch will also extend a tall block with a ladder in the room where you'll go next.
If you missed the previous switch, go back outside, climb into the opening on the right. Then climb the ladder again to reach the switch.
Cross the courtyard to the far left corner.
Go through the doorway behind the snowbank...
...into a room with 5 buttons on a high ledge. Climb the ladder you just extended.
Press the first, second, and last button from left to right. This opens the gate below. Drop down and go through.
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). All rights reserved. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.