This sequence is also shown in a short video.
Stand facing the opening in the floor with the 3 keyholes on your right.
Jump into the water and swim forward toward the wall.
The current will drag Lara to the right toward the spikes (as shown by the broken arrow in the screenshot above), but if you hold the Jump/Swim button and keep steering toward the far wall, you should be able to reach it. The current there is weaker.
Follow the wall to the corner and pull the first lever.
Then roll...
...and swim back along the right wall. When you've nearly reached the far corner, swim to the left.
Lara will once again be dragged toward the spikes (as shown by the broken arrow in the screenshot above), but if you swim against the current, you should be able to make it to the middle of the room where the drag isn't as powerful. When you reach the center, swim toward the low step below the opening where you jumped in. When you reach the step, veer to the left.
Again, the current will drag you toward the spikes, but if you keep heading forward, you can make it to the far wall before Lara gets skewered.
Follow the wall to the corner.
Pull the second lever to turn off the current.
Swim back to the hole in the ceiling.
Get air if you need it, retrieve the FIFTH GANESHA KEY from the low step below the opening, and then climb out of the pool. Whew!
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