This sequence is also shown in a short video.
As you approach the doorway near the hole in the floor, the gate opens. When you step into the room, the gate will close behind you and the spiked ceiling will begin to descend. You must then quickly pull 2 switches to open the trapdoor in the floor in order to escape.
In order to get through without injury, first approach the gate to open it. Then step back a few paces. Light a flare and save the game if you can.
Then sprint into the room. (If you open the gate first, Lara can sprint straight through, triggering the descending spikes as she enters without losing any time waiting for the gate to open all the way.)
Keep sprinting straight across to the first switch.
Pull the switch...
...and immediately backflip.
Then run to the right...
...and pull the second switch.
Turn right and and run or sprint forward to fall through the trapdoor.
When you pick up the FOURTH GANESHA KEY the gate directly ahead opens. Go through and climb back up into the big room.
NOTE: If you just can't manage the quick timing here, try this: After pulling the second switch, immediately side flip to the right into the trapdoor. Use a medi pack in flight to minimize the damage from the spikes.
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