Now pull the 2 levers on opposite sides of the pool to activate the fire-breathing statues above. In the firelight you will be able to discern 4 invisible platforms floating above the pool.
NOTE: Since you'll only be using the platforms on the right side of the pool, you can save time by only pulling the lever on the right. In fact, you don't have to fire up the statues to use the platforms. The light just makes them visible. A flare will also help illuminate the blocks.
Take a standing jump from the edge of the pool to grab the first invisible block on the right side; pull up.
Jump to the invisible block just ahead and from there to the stone ledge with the switch.
Pull the switch to open the gate at the top of the stairs to the left of the statue. This gate is timed, so as soon as you pull the switch, side flip to the left...
...then run off the platform...
...and dash up the stairs through the gate as it closes behind you.
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