When the cart stops just beyond the first switch, look to the right and you'll see another flamethrower guy fighting a mutant. (As far as I know, it's not possible to get out of the cart fast enough to kill the white-suited guy before he kills the mutant, so there's no way to get both of these kills.)
Get out of the cart (Roll + Right). Grab the save/power-up crystal.
Then carefully run past (or crawl under) the drills blocking the doorway.
There's a hole in the snowbank in the back left corner containing flares. Get them and climb back out.
Then head forward to the right of the doorway with the drills. Turn around...
...slide backwards down the ramp...
...and grab the edge. In order to conserve health, traverse to the left before dropping onto the icy walkway below. Be careful not to fall into the deep chasm.
Turn around. The tunnel near the dark block houses a super mutant but no goodies. This new type of mutant doesn't spew poison, but it's fast and powerful and will knock Lara off the ledge if it gets too close. It doesn't emerge until you step into the doorway, so you can avoid it if you like, or use a powerful weapon like the grenade launcher to kill it quickly. Or try this....
Step into the doorway to trigger the mutant. Then immediately roll...
...and run out to the left. Veer right, run behind the ice block...
...and jump across the chasm to the small ledge on the other side.
The mutant should fall down the gap.
You can then shoot it from above. If it falls down to the very bottom of the chasm, you'll have a chance to shoot it again on the way down.
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