The main walkthrough includes info on the mine cart controls.
Follow the elevated tracks around to the mine cart and get in (i.e., face the side of the cart and press Action).
Ride up the hill...
...down the other side, and over the first gap in the tracks without braking. (The crystal and other items you see off to the left on your way down the track are part of SECRET #2. You will get them later.)
After you round the next curve to the right, brake (press Jump) on the downward slope.
Otherwise the cart will tip over as you approach the bridge.
Brake again on the downward slope after the bridge.
Then take the next curve (around to the left) without braking in order to clear the gap beyond.
Just beyond the next round light there's a switch on the right side of the tracks.
Swing the wrench (Action) to hit the switch. This will stop the cart at the platform ahead.
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