When you enter the cave with the black fronds, you must then choose whether to follow the LEFT CHANNEL or RIGHT CHANNEL downstream. The left channel is covered in part 1. This page covers the right channel.
When you enter the tunnel beyond the split, a flock of bats flutters past. They're harmless, so just stay on course.
Steer around the square rock on either side.
Cross the first red tripwire without hesitation. As soon as you pass over it, a row of spikes pops up. Don't back paddle; that will just keep Lara in the danger zone longer.
Continue past the second red tripwire...
...which also triggers some spikes. Again, just move through them as quickly as you can and use a medi pack if necessary.
Just ahead, the river takes a turn to the right. Paddle turn to the right...
...and try to steer between the next 2 clusters of spikes. Stay near the far (left) wall as you go around the third cluster of spikes just beyond the first two.
Then just ride the current down...
...into a cavern with a large piranha-infested pool. In the middle is a chain attached to a stone plug. Do not get out of the kayak here or Lara will be devoured.
[Part 1 - Left Channel | Part 3 | Return to the Madubu Gorge Walkthrough]
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