Lud's Gate - Egyptian Exhibit and Nearby Offices (part 2)

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After moving the tall pillar back toward the entrance and getting the save/power-up crystal, as shown in part 1, climb back up the stepped blocks...

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...and jump to grab the slats on the ceiling again.

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This time monkey swing around to the alcove on the right.

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Drop, grab the edge, pull up, and crawl into the alcove. Pull the switch.

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This opens a door high above.

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Crawl backwards to the edge and drop to the floor once more.

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Now climb onto the tall pillar blocking the entrance.

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Pull up onto the ledge above.

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Then go through the crawlspace on the right.

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Follow the metal duct...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot a hole in the floor. Drop down into the hallway...

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...and return to the OFFICE with the movable block.

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Pull the block off the gray tile to slide the tall pillar away from the doorway once more.

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Go back into the hallway and turn right into the EXHIBIT ROOM.

[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Lud's Gate Walkthrough]