This sequence is also shown in a short video walkthrough.
Before starting this sequence, save the game, since you'll probably need to try it more than once. When you slide down the ramp from the upper level into the hallway below, a boulder drops from the ceiling and rolls down after you. Hold the Forward button as Lara slides.
Just as she reaches the bottom of the slope but before she lands on the flat floor ahead, jump forward. (The seam where the slope meets the flat floor is indicated by the broken line in the screenshot above. Jump forward just before you reach it.)
If you then release Jump but continue to hold the Forward button, as soon as Lara touches down, she'll start running forward.
Keep running without jumping and veer into the passageway on the left. If you jump a second time, Lara will bang her face into the low ceiling and then get run over by the boulder.
Sliding down the slope and then sprinting along the passageway can also work, but the timing is a bit tricky, since Lara hesitates for a second as she slides onto the flat ground at the base of the slope.
The boulder then passes safely behind you and comes to rest in the alcove at the end of the passageway.
Once you've cleared the first boulder trap, follow the passageway to the left, but get ready for another rolling boulder. It drops down from the ceiling as you approach the ramp. To avoid it without too much fuss, start by standing on the seam in the floor textures just beyond the little alcove on the right. (This seam is indicated by the broken line in the screenshot above.)
Then take 6 walking steps forward.
Now roll. When you do, Lara will come up standing on the tile that triggers the boulder and a blast of tense music.
Immediately run forward (i.e., back the way you came) and into the alcove, which is now on your left.
The boulder then rolls past and comes to rest in another alcove near the first boulder.
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