When you slide down the embankment into the flat area below...
...a pack of 4 little compsognathus emerge. They'll give most of their attention to a nearby raptor carcass, but you should probably kill them to prevent them from pestering you. Then make a few pickups and get the lay of the land.
There's a box of flares sitting in front of the metal gate at the left end of the embankment. Behind this gate is a switch. You can't reach it yet, but make a mental note of its location.
On a stone ledge directly opposite the embankment is a small medi pack.
If you then head away from the raptor carcass and the metal gate, you'll come to a shallow pool.
Cross the pool and head into the far left corner to find more flares sitting near another gate with a second switch behind it. Again, you can't reach the switch, but remember where it is.
Now face the pool again and head into the cave ahead on the left.
To the right of the crater-shaped heap of dirt is a flat, gray block with a small medi pack sitting on top. Get the health and then climb up into the crater.
When you have everything, climb up into the crater. As you will soon realize, this is actually a Tyrannosaurus rex nest. COMMANDER BISHOP'S KEY is lying inside the nest, along with what's left of its owner. If possible, save the game before picking up the key. When you take the key, the gate near the first switch opens and Mama Rex returns home.
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