Meteorite Cavern - Guarded Compound and Helipad

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When you emerge into the open, quickly take out 2 armed men in snowsuits...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot on the left...

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...and one straight ahead. The one on the left drops a large medi pack, the one ahead Desert Eagle clips. Be careful when you approach the body with the clips; there's a guy with a flamethrower lurking between the first two buildings.

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When you see the glow on the wall, backflip away.

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Then quickly shoot the man before he can set Lara on fire. He also drops some Desert Eagle clips.

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Two more enemies—one with a gun, another with a flamethrower—approach from the third building. The little gate made of chain link fencing does not slow them down; they just pass right through it. Take them out quickly.

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When you move past the open gate and approach the door near the button, the final enemy in the level emerges. If you don't care about getting all the kills, you can just avoid this area. The button doesn't do anything since the door is already open, and there's nothing inside.

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Go through the alley near the open gate and around the corner to a fenced-in helipad.

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The gate opens once the helicopter lands. Approach the helicopter to finish the level.

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