Once again climb the ladder in the corner...
...up through the trapdoor you opened earlier...
...and backflip onto the walkway.
Turn around to face out into the open room. Then walk out onto the sloping support on the left.
At this point the UFO is below and to the right, the ladder behind Lara on her left. Take a running jump to grab the edge of the angled support ahead—not the closest one on the left but the one straight ahead that slopes down toward you.
Pull up and turn left, and you'll see a doorway below. This door will be open if you have used the CODE CLEARANCE DISK in the computer as described previously. Take a running jump, pressing Action to lower Lara's arc, so she lands in the doorway. This is SECRET #3.
NOTE: If you just want the secret for the bonus level and don't care about actually getting the crystal or swimming with the whales, you can step up into the hallway so the chime sounds. Check the stopwatch in your inventory to make sure the secret has registered. Then skip the next bit of business and drop down to the floor.
Inside this passageway there are two stacked laser traps. Walk to the edge of the ledge overlooking the lasers and hop back once to set up the next jump.
When the upper laser array moves away, take a running jump to sail over the lower one, which will be heading toward you. Run forward into the doorway.
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