When you return to the MISSILE SILO with the LAUNCH CODE PASS, safety drop through the hole in the floor in the room just before the room containing the actual missile.
In the hallway below, use the switch to open the door with the black and yellow markings.
Cross the small room directly beneath the missile and use the LAUNCH CODE PASS in the card reader to uncover the launch button, just around the corner.
Save the game if possible. Then press the button to fire the missile and open the door behind you so Lara can escape.
Immediately press Look to cancel the cut scene showing the missile's rocket booster firing.
Then roll...
...side flip to the right...
NOTE: The camera can be a little disorienting here. Although the camera is facing Lara when she rolls after pressing the button, you still want to press Jump + Right to take that side flip. If you press Left, she'll flip to her left, into the wall. Once she lands in the middle of the room, the camera will move behind her once again.
Now sprint forward into the next room to avoid being toasted as the missile is launched.
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