Now you need to make your way up to the top of the room via the suspended platforms, making a couple of pickups on the way. After dropping out of the crawlspace with the spike pit, turn back toward the entrance and go around the dome.
Climb onto the stone block to the left of the dome (i.e., left when Lara's back is to the entrance chute). Pull up onto the metal platform above.
Take a running jump to the L-shaped metal platform ahead. Walk around to the right end of the platform.
Then take another running jump to grab the next platform. Pull up and move to the right end of this platform.
Take another running jump to the next platform and vault up onto the low ledge.
Now jump over to the angled platform ahead. Aim for the sloping left side since the right side has a railing across it. Turn right, walk to the edge...
...and pull up onto the platform above...
...then the next one above on the left, where you'll find some Uzi clips.
NOTE: In the PlayStation game this will be the UZIS themselves, rather than clips.
Safety drop twice to get back down to the platform with the railing and one sloped side.
Jump up to grab the grate above. Monkey swing forward and drop onto the stone pillar behind the railing.
Jump up to grab the grate above. Monkey swing forward past the railing and drop onto the tall, stone pillar. A harmless but startling flock of bats flies out of the crawlspace ahead. When you've gotten your heart rate under control, walk to the edge and take a standing jump to grab the opening.
Crawl in to get a small medi pack and a save/power-up crystal in the shallow pit ahead.
Crawl back out and safety drop to the floor.
NOTE: This fall will take about a quarter of Lara's health. You'll need full health before dropping through the cathedral ceiling, so, unless you have other medi packs, hang onto this one until then.
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). All rights reserved. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.