Aldwych - Masonic Temple Maze (part 2)

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Inside the room with the 2 buttons (E and F), pick up the small medi pack in the dark alcove. Now press the left button (F), but not the one on the right (E).

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After pressing button F, turn around and run straight across the hallway to the wall. Turn right to face the first button you pressed after entering the maze (B).

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Press button (B) again (it should turn from green back to red). Turn around...

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...and go forward then to the right into a newly opened passageway.

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It twists around a bit but does not split, so you can't get lost.

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A little way along there's an alcove containing a small medi pack.

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Around the next corner...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot another, slightly deeper alcove with some MP5 clips. Pick up the ammo and continue along the passageway...

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...past the alcove with the burning torch to the inner sanctum of the Masonic temple.

[Part 1 | Return to the Aldwych Walkthrough]