Enter and climb up on the lowest block.
Stand at the back left corner, and jump forward to grab the front right corner of the next higher block. There's no danger yet as long as you don't pull up onto the block.
When you do pull up, a metal ball rolls down from above. To avoid it, turn just slightly to the left and immediately jump forward and grab the front left corner of the next higher block. Again, you're safe here until you pull up.
When you do, immediately pivot left and jump forward to get out of the way of a second rolling ball. Continue forward and pick up some automatic pistol clips on the floor where the boulders originated.
NOTE: If you can't manage the quick timing here, you can also jump to grab the second block, pull up and then jump to the right to avoid the first ball. Then climb back up to the second block, jump to grab the third, pull up and jump to the left to avoid the second ball.
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Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.